Our approach

1. Select projects
We rigorously select high impact projects for kids and adolescents with cancer.  These projects fall into the criteria of our philanthropic project :
– help kids and adolescents with cancer go through the ordeal of the sickness and its treatments,
– enhance their quality of life and wellbeing,
– support parents and siblings.

The selection process is done in close collaboration with the doctors and medical staff of the pediatric hematology and oncology wards as well as the needs expressed by the parents.

2. Implement, measure and evaluate
100% of the funds raised are spent to implement the projects. Our approach is done on a 100% voluntary (unpaid) basis and 100% of the costs of organising the race are covered by sponsors (Running Team T-shirts, food and beverage before and after the race, sundry expenses, …).

We collaborate with the King Baudouin Foundation : they handle all the administration of our philanthropic work : accounting and paperwork, preparing and sending the gift tax deduction certificates, transferring the funds raised to the accounts of the pediatric haematology and oncology wards of UC Saint-Luc (via the charity asbl Les Enfants de Salus Sanguinis) and of UZ Leuven (via the charity Kinderkankerfonds Leuven) when the projects are ready for implementation.

Without having to deal with the administration, we can spend our freed-up time within the hospitals focusing on the implementation of the projects we finance, again on a non-paid basis. We make sure the projects are done within budget and deadline. Once the projects have been implemented, we assess their actual impact.

3. Share
We live our philanthropy project as a collective adventure ! We invite all donors to come and see for themselves at the hospitals the projects they generously helped fund and see the impact they have done. We also inform donors through our website and social media.